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Orynoco Pod
The ORYNOCO POD (WSU) V4 has the ability to press your energetic systems’ reset button.
Humans are energy systems moving within environmental fields and can
be affected by transformational influences. Light, sound and colour are
influences as are magnetic and gravitational fields. Nature and all natural systems, including our own, are constantly seeking balance within these and other influences.
The Pod can help restore balance to your whole being, including your physical body, thereby facilitating the expansion of consciousness and supporting deep states of manifestation, learning, guidance and remembering.
The combination of the three pillars allows a field of constantly balancing gravitational and magnetic forces to become present at your location. As the initiator and conductor of your own reality, you will be able to use your powers of focus and intention to rebalance your fields to the highest potential available to your soul at that time.
A stronger field of resonance with source energy supports your body and being to harmonise and rebalance as you connect more deeply with your inner truth, homeostasis and divine wisdom.
Your system has the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments caused by external influences that could eventually lead to poor health, low states of energy and a variety of other physical, mental and emotional conditions.
For more information please visit http://www.Orynoco.com

Energy Dots
As you may know Modern devices such as phones, laptops, wifi, smart TV’s and smart meters all produce electro magnetic frequencies (EMF). Levels of EMF in 2024 are over 100 million times higher than just 50 years ago.
It is theorised that EMF exposure is one of the leading caused behind increased levels of chronic tiredness, lack of focus, depression and irritability. This is why so many practitioners treat EMF exposure as a critical part of any clients healing journey.
Addressing EMF exposure is easier than you may think, and takes no additional work. There is a simple way to address this major stressor, without giving up our much loved devices – Energydots, products that you can use to protect yourself and your family right now.
Why? EMF undermines health in many ways. But one of the key factors about EMF exposure is that it affects the mitochondria – which are the powerhouse of our cells. Mitochondria produce the body’s energy currency. EMF damage from mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices can cause mitochondrial dysfunction affecting our bodies’ ability to function and create energy.
How? The DOTs are magnets programmed with highly coherent natural frequencies. Magnets are self powering. They record and radiate the frequencies indefinitely. And these frequencies continuously work to retune incoherent harmful frequencies. Physiological testing by The BION Institute for Research shows “BioDOT has an energising effect with an element of relaxation and smartDOT has a stress-reducing effect”
For more information please visit www.energydots.com

QUEX ED Biofeedback therapy
QUEX ED© differs from other biofeedback devices in that it runs on quantum biofeedback technology.
Not only does it explore the body for stressors or SOCs (Suppressions and Obstructions to Cure), it also attempts to rebalance the unstable frequencies of certain cells by means of electric pulses or frequencies that trigger those cells to return to their original state by stimulating their capacity for self-regeneration.
This technology is the result of more than 35 years of research and development; the QUEX devices are reliable, safe, and efficient.
Unlike basic biofeedback technology, quantum biofeedback devices do not require you to alter certain automatic bodily functions yourself. Quantum biofeedback devices send out electromagnetic waves that do (most of) the work for you. However during a session information and guidance will be given to help you take steps to a healthier you.
The results achieved with the help of a quantum biofeedback device can be permanent. It’s not unlike learning to ride a bicycle, as new pathways in the brain are created through repeated practice. Even years after completing the program, the brain will remember how it can use these pathways to concentrate for longer periods of time.
Here is a link to a quick video explaining what biofeedback means.
Radiesthesia, which uses a metal pendulum, is a technique that works with the individual’s energy fields to effect physical attributes of the body and / or psychological aspects of the individuals mind and spirit.
The human being is a complex thing, and key to that complex mix is our individual electrical fieldsand systems. The most obvious is our nervous system, which uses electrical impulses to convey messages around our body and store information in our brains.
There are a number of electrical fields related to our body and these can interact with the electrical fields of the planet and with the electrical fields of other people.
If our electrical fields are damaged or sub optimal then we ourselves will experience physical or psychological symptoms of varying degrees.
In Radiesthesia the metal pendulum swings in these electrical fields causing small, but vital, electrical energy flows to occur. These modify and repair the local field disruptions and restore optimal field characteristics.
This restoration allows the body’s natural electrical field to operate normally, and this in turn removes the cause of the physical or psychological dysfunction.
The pendulum’s angle and rate of spin determines the field frequency. The “pull” on the pendulum felt by the therapist indicates the degree of energy being applied and the depth of the effect.
Quantumwave Laser Therapy
This is a non-invasive and portable low level laser designed to deliver light and heat energy to targeted tissue. It can be used both on people and on animals and even to send beneficial light frequencies into drinking water.
Quantumwave Laser Therapy uses the world’s newest cold laser technology. With state of the art Quantum scalar waves address every facet of stress, health, pain relief and rejuvenation. It is the only fully digital laser on the market with custom frequency input capability. It is able to match frequencies to specific targeted tissue types to focus the treatment effects.
The red spectrum can treat surface tissue, skin, muscle and nerves.
The infrared spectrum is used for deeper cells like bone, tendon, cartilage and disc.
The violet spectrum has beneficial effects on cellular memory that can unwind stress and emotions and balance subtle energy and meridians
Quantumwave Laser Therapy benefits:
What makes the QuantumWave Lasers unique?
All low level lasers donate energy to rejuvenate the cell. What makes Quantum Lasers truly unique is the ability to clear the cell memory. Cell memory is the stress or tension pattern underneath all injury and dis-ease.
The technology activates scalar waves which neutralise all polarity and shift the cell memory. This cold laser approach can be applied to any injuries, stress, tension, dis-ease, or to activate the key body systems such as the glands, organs, chakras, meridians or any of the cells which make up the body.
TECAR – or Transference of Energy using Capacitive and Resistive modes, is a system that uses small electric currents at specific frequencies to cause tissue to gently warm up from the inside out. There is no actual physical heat applied, the sensations are created by the nervous system as it reacts to the specific frequencies used by the equipment.
The reaction of the body is to promote localised vasodilation. This allows for increased blood flow, bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the locality, additionally the lymph system vessels are also enlarged aiding removal of toxins.
Specifically it is shown that this technique encourages the actions of fibroblast cells in the locality, these cells are used to create new connective tissue and secrete collagen. This significantly assists in the formation of new tissue at the locality and aids renewal and repair processes.
The therapy involves the use of two probes / paddles. The electric current is passed between the two and the area of the body between them is the area that is treated.
The two basic modes of operation are Resistive and Capacitive coupling.
With Resistive coupling the current passing between the two probes is of a frequency that tends to ensure that it travels through the body via bones, joints and ligaments. Producing a heating effect in those elements.
With Capacitive coupling the current is dissipated around the area of the positive probe mainly on the surface of the skin, penetrating into muscle / tendons and other softer connective tissue up to about 3 to 5 cm below the probe. The heating effect is therefore more superficial (as in near the surface).
Resistive mode is generally used to treat joint and bone dysfunction, it promotes synovial fluid creation and tissue regeneration.
Capacitive mode is generally used to treat skin and muscle dysfunction.
A benefit of the therapy is its pain reduction effect, it acts like a TENS pen and subdues pain sensations, this added to the fact it can be used in a dynamic mode… ie a client can flex a knee or hand joint whilst undergoing treatment and experience the movement with reduced pain (and therefore creating a greater range of movement) which in turn promotes cell renewal and nervous system benefits.
The system can deliver deep muscle warming much more effectively than mechanical massage, and can quickly prepare a client for targeted remedial deep tissue massage, greatly improving the effects of the massage technique.
Kinesiology (kin-ease-e-ology) also known as bio-feedback or muscle testing, comprises of the client placing a limb in a certain position and the therapist gently putting pressure on the limb to feel the resistance of the muscle.
The ‘bio feedback’ which the practitioner receives helps identify the health issue that requires addressing. Using various techniques including test kits and test vials we are able to use this information to help release, rebalance and reinstate a healthier outlook.
There are four potential areas of imbalance and any complaint can have its cause in any one of the following areas :
Holding a real-time conversation with the body’s own healing systems, Scenar relies on the fact that the body is a large, bio-electrical machine which uses complex feedback mechanisms to maintain stable internal conditions. This process is called homeostasis. Homeostatic mechanisms are regulated by nerve signals that release biologically active chemicals called neuro-mediators into the body; the most important of these are neuropeptides.
The aim of Scenar therapy is to induce the release of enough neuropeptides to relieve pain and initiate a healing sequence through the body’s own active feedback mechanisms.
Electronic stimulation of the nervous system is widely used in hospitals to alleviate pain. Like other bio-electrical devices, Scenar transmits electrical impulses, from an electrode in its hand-held unit, through the skin to the nervous system.
The difference lies in the ability of Scenar to react to changes in the body’s response to those impulses.
The device monitors changes in the electrical impedance of the skin (a measure of its resistance to electrical current flowing through it), detecting any impedance changes as the body reacts to its impulses. It then responds in kind, adjusting strength, frequency and timing for the optimal response.